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Trinity has a rich history of Lutheran Worship, centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We gather together for weekly Eucharist at 9:30 every Sunday morning. Our liturgy is filled with the gifts of Trinity's people.

Acolytes: From the Greek akoloutheo (to help), the Acolytes are the assistants for various parts of the liturgy. They bear the symbol of the light of Christ, carry the cross to lead processions, aid in the collection of the people’s offering, and help with the distribution of communion.

Adult Choir: Open to anyone, the adult choir offers their voices during worship services throughout the year. They practice on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm.

Altar Guild: The altar guild is charged with the maintenance and upkeep of the holy things of the church. They prepare bread for communion, change the church paraments, and tend to the items in the sacristy.

Assisting Ministers: These lay leaders direct most of the worship service. Living out the call of all believers to the Word, they proclaim by leading as a servant in the liturgy.

Bell Choir: Open to anyone, the bell choir rings out hymns to the glory of God during worship. They practice Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm.

Greeters: The greeters stand at the entrance at the church and are there to make sure that everyone who comes in knows where they are going and are appreciated as a child of God.

Pastor's Sermons:

Ushers: The ushers provide bulletins, help with seating, gather the offering, and assist with communion. They make sure things run smoothly and are glad to assist in many areas.

Worship & Music Committee: This is a team that is designed to review and make decisions regarding the worship. They meet once a month to evaluate how worship is going, to change direction if necessary, and choose how best we express our reaction to God's grace while gathered together as a community.

Youth Bell Choir: Youth of many different ages gather to ring out music with colored bells matching flash cards held up by the director. The youth bell choir practices Sunday mornings at 11am.

Special Services: Throughout the year the Church celebrates specific festivals:

  • We gather on Christmas Eve at 4:00 and 10:00 to celebrate the Incarnation of Jesus, the Word made flesh. Our 4:00 worship service is geared towards younger families and is more informal. Our 10:00 liturgy is a traditional candlelight worship.
  • We gather Wednesday evenings during the season of Lent (in between Ash Wednesday and Easter) to reflect on the incompleteness of who we are and come seeking purpose and reconciliation from God.
  • We gather early on Easter morning to investigate the empty tomb. We have services at 7:00 and 10:00am on this special Sunday where we gather to hear the news of Jesus triumph over death!

Contact Information:
18974 State Route 12
Arcadia, OH  44830
Office (419)894-6330
Fax (419)894-6346

Daycare Office (419)894-6919
Daycare Email tlcdckids@tds.net