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Trinity is committed to diving into Scripture to feed our faith with understanding.

We have a number of different opportunities for this exploration.

Sunday School: Every Sunday starting at 10:45, we have classes for people from 3 yrs old through Adults.

Vacation Bible School:For one week each summer, we gather kids from Kindergarten through 6th Grade to participate in a program.  2010 PHOTOS ONLINE

Bible Studies:There are currently three women’s Bible Studies that meet monthly.

  • Dorcas Circle meets 1st Tuesday of month at 9:30 am.
  • Ruth Circle meets 2nd Wednesday of month at noon.
  • Hope Circle meets in evenings schedule varies, and can be found on our calendar.

Catechism:In 7th and 8th grade, there is unique education in the faith. This is a two year preparation for Confirmation which is the moment where youth become adult members in a congregation.

First Communion Classes:As part of Lutheran tradition, there is education that comes with the sacraments. Beginning at Second grade, we educate people to understand the meaning of Holy Communion which we celebrate weekly. These classes usually take place in March and First Communion is celebrated on Maundy Thursday, when we recall the institution of the Lord’s Supper.

Baptismal Preparation:For those parents seeking baptism for their children, and for all adults seeking baptism as well, there is a class to help instruct the important issues of our faith and help with baptismal understanding.

Christian Education:Trinity is blessed with having Mrs. Dorothy Powell. Who serves all of Hancock County in offering religious education during the week. Those students in grades 1-6 in the Arcadia School District whose parents wish for them to receive this education come over on Friday mornings during the school year to enjoy scripture and song.

New Members’ Classes:An introduction to all things Christian, all things Lutheran, and all things of Trinity Lutheran Church for those who are new to our community. This class is a welcome for those visitors who wish greater participation in the life of the Church. These are offered semi-regularly as needed.



Contact Information:
18974 State Route 12
Arcadia, OH  44830
Office (419)894-6330
Fax (419)894-6346

Daycare Office (419)894-6919
Daycare Email tlcdckids@tds.net

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